Thursday, October 4, 2007

Chapter Four - Hey there, Hi there, Queenie here...

October 31, 2007 11:00 p.m.

Okay, I need to get some of this down before my head explodes and that would not make a good impression. I am so excited I can hardly stand myself. It’s a good thing I am alone. I am sure I would be driving people nuts if I wasn’t. Deep breath, in and out. Okay, that’s better. My name is Stephanie, but on the football forum, where I met my new friends, I am known as Queenie, Ninergirl or NG, but mostly Queenie. How did I get the name Queenie you ask. Well, on the forum there was Goddess and we had a princess at one point and I started to feel a little unworthy, so I got dubbed Queenie and it stuck so that's where that came from. It is also what the back of my t-shirt for tomorrow night says. “Queenie”. Tomorrow night, God I can’t wait!

What’s tomorrow night? Didn’t I mention that? Oops, sorry. See, told ya I was excited. Well, tomorrow night I, along with my two new friends, will be up front and to the left in front of Richie Sambora at the new Prudential Arena in New Jersey. I know, I know, can you stand it? I almost can’t. That’s why I am writing this out now. I will be in my car for six hours tomorrow (jaysus, hope I don’t get a speeding ticket) on my way to New Jersey for a Bon Jovi show where I will actually meet my new friends face to face for the first time and then, after the show, we are meeting, ready for this, hell I can’t even believe I am going to type this out loud, we are meeting the entire band! OMG! I know, I know, we thought we were only meeting Richie and that would have been great enough, but to meet them all, well, this is just insane! Just how are we going to manage that? Well, I'm not quite sure yet myself, but I do know that we have to go to the box office at the arena tomorrow night and we will find out then. I know, I know, you don’t believe it, but honest. It’s happening.

I met my new friends, Hathor and Lucy, or Goddess and Duchess as their shirts say, on a football forum that I stumbled into. As my forum name says, Ninergirl, I am a fan of the 49ers and was looking for somewhere to talk football. Yes, I am a girl, but I like football too. Imagine that. Well, as it turns out, not only were there female football fans, most of them are Bon Jovi fans too. Can I just tell ya, it has been the best place. I met some others there as well, Samantha is a sweetie and a major football fan, but her and Kidd (aka Jon Bon Jovi), hit it off and their relationship has just blossomed, but that is another story in and of itself.

There are others too, but Goddess, Duchess and I seemed to have clicked and, well, come to find out, Richie was hanging around in there too. He introduced himself to us as Tarzan. We call him Zan and he calls us his harem. That’s what the front of our shirts say “Zan’s Harem.” I came late to the party (hence my position in the harem, late to the party and last in line) but it has been a blast.

Now you probably want to know how we figured out who Zan really was, right? See, Lucy, through Sam, got Zan her number and, after he called her and forgot to block his number, she and Goddess called him and figured out who he was. I didn't know until I started putting things together on the board. He and Kidd were dropping hints left and right, and being the Bon Jovi fan that I am (though had I been a bit more on the ball I would have figured it out at Kidd) I put it all together and called them all on it. Zan was gracious enough to include me in on this little get together tomorrow night. He seems to be sweet on Lucy though and I say good for her. Hope she gets to swing on the vine. Oops, did I say that out loud? Sorry Luce! You know I love ya, right?!

Well, this girl needs to try to get some shut eye. I have quite the drive ahead of me. I am leaving bright and early and with any luck, I will get to the hotel without too much trouble and close to the same time as my new friends. We are meeting in the bar of the hotel at 5. Hope my hair holds up. Oh, speaking of my hair, you’re probably wondering what I look like and even if you’re not I’m gonna tell ya. I am 5’6”, dark brown curly hair, eyes that go from green to brown depending on my mood and, like Goddess, carry a few extra pounds but that is just more of me for you to love.

Okay, this is me shutting up now and signing off. See you in NJ for a funfilled night of music, laughter, new friends and, according to Zan, surprises of all sorts!!!!!

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